Inside the <buddy> section all known data of a certain dive buddy are put into brackets. Any number of <buddy> elements can be given, which describe the different dive buddies of the <owner> of the UDDF file.
<address>, <certification>, <contact>, <diveinsurances>, <divepermissions>, <equipment>, <medical>, <notes>, <personal>, <student/>
<uddf version="3.2.0"> <generator> <!-- description of the program generating the UDDF file --> </generator> <mediadata> <image id="img_linda1"> <objectname>linda1.jpg</objectname> <!-- image data unknown, <imagedata> omitted therefore --> </image> <image id="img_linda2"> <objectname>linda2.jpg</objectname> <!-- image data unknown, <imagedata> omitted therefore --> </image> <video id="video_by_linda_great_barrier_reef"> <objectname>video_by_linda_great_barrier_reef.avi</objectname> </video> </mediadata> <diver> <owner id="robertpeterroth"> <!-- description of the owner of the UDDF file --> </owner> <buddy id="Linda"> <personal> <firstname>Linda</firstname> <lastname>Pink</lastname> <sex>female</sex> <birthdate> <year>1974</year> </birthdate> </personal> <address> <country>Australia</country> </address> <contact> <language>English</language> <mobilephone>0321/987654</mobilephone> <fax>0321/987653</fax> <email></email> </contact> <equipment> <!-- listing of Linda's equipment --> </equipment> <medical> <!-- listing of Linda's dive medical examinations - if known --> </medical> <education> <certification> <level>Gold</level> <organisation>CMAS</organisation> </certification> </education> <notes> <link ref="img_linda1"/> <link ref="img_linda2"/> <link ref="video_by_linda_great_barrier_reef"/> </notes> </buddy> <buddy id="Helmut"> <!-- description of buddy Helmut --> </buddy> <!-- here can stand more buddy descriptions --> </diver> <!-- here more sections --> </uddf>