

compulsory, single


id=unique identifier of the owner of the UDDF file


Inside the <owner> element all data of the owner are given. Only one <owner> element is allowed to appear inside the <diver> section. <owner> must be the first element inside <diver>.

The attribute serves for the data import from another UDDF file so that the owner of the imported file can now be managed as a buddy.

Parent Elements


Child Elements

<address>, <contact>, <diveinsurances> <divepermissions>, <education>, <equipment>, <medical>, <notes>, <personal>

See Also

<buddy>, <diver>


(see also <buddy>)

<uddf version="3.2.0">
        <!-- description of the program generating the UDDF file -->
        <image id="img_steeltank_new">
                <!-- date when the picture was taken -->
        <image id="steeltank_after_2_years">
                <!-- date when the picture was taken -->
        <image id="img_flatfoot">
        <image id="img_my_equipment_and_me_1978">
            <!-- picture data unknown, <imagedata> is omitted -->
        <image id="img_my_first_divecomputer_1992">
            <!-- picture data unknown, <imagedata> is omitted -->
        <image id="img_dive_1111-our_group">
            <!-- picture data unknown, <imagedata> is omitted -->
        <audio id="audio_talk_for_celebration of dive_888">
            <objectname>talk_for_celebration of dive_888.wav</objectname>
        <video id="video_party_dive_1000">
        <owner id="robertpeterroth">
                <street>Newtonstr. 123</street>
                <country>Texas, USA</country>
                <!-- listing of all parts of equipment of the ownwe of the UDDF file -->
                <!-- regulator -->
                <regulator id="roberts_best_piece">
                    <name>Black Shark</name>
                    <model>Black Shark 5</model>
                        <price currency="USD">100.00</price>
                            <name>Diving Equipment Muller</name>
                                <street>Betterstr. 46</street>
                                <country>Texas, USA</country>
                        <!-- date of next service interval -->
                <!-- diving watch -->
                <watch id="roberts_diving_watch">
                    <name>Tigershark diving watch</name>
                        <price currency="USD">90.00</price>
                                    My first diving watch, very hard to save the money for it!
                                    Unfortunately, I don't remember the shop where I bought it...
                <!-- Buoyancy Control Device -->
                <buoyancycontroldevice id="roberts_bcd">
                    <model>Dive King</model>
                        <price currency="USD">300.00</price>
                            <name>Dive In Here</name>
                                <street>Emmastr. 3</street>
                                <country>Texas, USA</country>
                        <!-- date of next service interval -->
                <!-- tank -->
                <tank id="tank_1">
                    <model>Hard as Steel</model>
                            <!-- date of purchase -->
                        <price currency="USD">125.00</price>
                            <!-- information about the shop where the tank was bought -->
                        <!-- date of next service interval -->
                        <link ref="img_steeltank_new"/>
                        <link ref="img_steeltank_after_2_years"/>
                <!-- Here more descriptions of parts of equipment can be given. Of course, several -->
                <!-- regulators, tanks, masks etc. can be given. -->
                    <doctor id="doctorDusel">
                                <!-- if date of birth is known it can be given here -->
                            <street>Duddlestr. 34</street>
                            <country>New Mexico, USA</country>
                            <!-- no mobile phone, neither email address nor homepage known -->
                            Flatfeet are no problem for diving! :-)
                        <link ref="img_flatfoot"/>
                    <!-- following a cross reference to the doctor examining -->
                    <!-- because information about the person is given above -->
                    <link ref="doctorDusel"/>
                <!-- all levels of diving education -> several -->
                <!-- <certification> elements one after the other -->
                    <!-- because the data of the then diving instructor were not -->
                    <!-- written into the UDDF file a cross refence via -->
                    <!-- <link ref="..."/> is omitted -->
                    <!-- because the data of the then diving instructor were not -->
                    <!-- written into the UDDF file a cross refence via -->
                    <!-- <link ref="..."/> is omitted -->
                    <!-- because the data of the then diving instructor were not -->
                    <!-- written into the UDDF file a cross refence via -->
                    <!-- <link ref="..."/> is omitted -->
                <!-- as many dive permissions as needed can be listed here -->
                    <region>Zeeland (The Netherlands)</region>
                <!-- here more permissions if necessary -->
                    <name>For Ever Diving</name>
                <link ref="img_my_equipment_and_me_1978"/>
                <link ref="img_my_first_divecomputer_1992"/>
                <link ref="img_dive_1111-our_group"/>
                <link ref="audio_talk_for_celebration of dive_888"/>
                <link ref="video_party_dive_1000"/>
        <buddy id="buddy_1">
            <!-- description of buddy No. 1 -->
        <buddy id="buddy_2">
            <!-- description of the second listed buddy -->
        <!-- here more buddies can be listed -->
    <!-- here more sections -->