Inside <certification> data about the certification of a diver is given. Several <certification> elements can occur one after the other. At least one <certification> element must occur inside the <education> section.
In case a dive <instructor>'s data are defined before in the UDDF file it is possible to set a cross-reference via <link/> to these data inside <certification>. Then the <instructor>'s data need to be given only once (globally) but can be used as often as necessary.
<instructor>, <issuedate>, <level>, <link/> (for cross-referencing <instructor> data – if defined before), <organization>, <specialty>, <validdate>
<certification> <level>Bronze</level> <organization>VDST</organization> <instructor> <personal> <firstname>Ingo</firstname> <middlename>Jürgen</middlename> <lastname>Knattermann</lastname> <sex>male</sex> <birthdate> <!-- date of birthdate not known -> statements omitted --> </birthdate> </personal> <address> <!-- address not known -> statements omitted --> </address> <contact> <language>German</language> <!-- phone number unknown -> <phone> element omitted --> <email></email> <homepage></homepage> </contact> </instructor> <issuedate> <datetime>2005-06-26</datetime> </issuedate> </certification>
<certification> <specialty>Strömungstauchen</specialty> <organization>VDST</organization> <instructor> <personal> <firstname>Ingo</firstname> <middlename>Jürgen</middlename> <lastname>Knattermann</lastname> <sex>male</sex> <birthdate> <!-- date of birthdate not known -> statements omitted --> </birthdate> </personal> <address> <!-- address not known -> statements omitted --> </address> <contact> <language>German</language> <!-- phone number unknown -> <phone> element omitted --> <email></email> <homepage></homepage> </contact> </instructor> <issuedate> <datetime>2005-08-27</datetime> </issuedate> </certification>