Within <divesite> only one element <site> exists, where a dive site is described. This element can be repeated any times.
<site> <name> <geography> <address> <street> <city> <postcode> <country> <province> <location> <latitude> <longitude> <altitude> <timezone> <ecology> <fauna> <invertebrata> <porifera> <species> <trivialname> <scientificname> <lightintensity> <age> <abundance> <dominance> <sex> <size> <notes>... <coelenterata> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <cnidaria> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <ctenophora> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <plathelminthes> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <bryozoa> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <phoronidea> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <ascidiacea> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <echinodermata> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <mollusca> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <crustacea> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <invertebratavarious> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <vertebrata> <chondrichthyes> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <osteichthyes> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <mammalia> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <amphibia> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <reptilia> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <vertebratavarious> <all elements which appear under <porifera> can also stand here> <flora> <rhodophyceae> <species> <trivialname> <scientificname> <lightintensity> <age> <abundance> <dominance> <sex> <lifestage> <size> <notes>... <phaeophyceae> <all elements which appear under <rhodophyceae> can also stand here> <chlorophyceae> <all elements which appear under <rhodophyceae> can also stand here> <spermatophyta> <all elements which appear under <rhodophyceae> can also stand here> <floravarious> <all elements which appear under <rhodophyceae> can also stand here> <sitedata> <arealength> <areawidth> <averagevisibility> <bottom> <density> <difficulty> <globallightintensity> <maximumdepth> <maximumvisibility> <minimumdepth> <minimumvisibility> <rating> <terrain> <wreck>
(the element <wreck> can also appear within the following elements <indoor>, <lake>, <river>, or <shore>, and is not listed there anymore)
<name> <shiptype> <nationality> <built> <shipyard> <launchingdate> <date> <year> <month> <day> <dayofweek> <shipdimension> <length> <beam> <draught> <displacement> <tonnage> <sunk> <date> <year> <month> <day> <dayofweek> <time> <hour> <minute> <notes>... <cave> <name> <notes>... <indoor> <name> <address> <street> <city> <postcode> <country> <province> <contact> <language> <phone> <mobilephone> <fax> <email> <homepage> <notes>... <lake> <name> <notes>... <river> <name> <notes>... <shore> <name> <notes>... <notes>...