Inside <vertebrata> all watched vertebrates are listed. <vertebrata> is subdivided.
There exists a <vertebratavarious> element — if the assignment of a vertebrate to a section is unknown it has to be specified here.
<amphibia> (amphibians), <chondrichthyes> (cartilaginous fishes — sharks, rays), <mammalia> (mammals), <osteichthyes> (bony fishes), <reptilia> (reptils), <vertebratavarious> (others, not listed above)
(see also <fauna>)
<vertebrata> <chondrichthyes> <!-- watched cartilaginous fishes --> </chondrichthyes> <osteichthyes> <!-- watched bony fishes --> </osteichthyes> <mammalia> <!-- watched mammals --> </mammalia> <amphibia> <!-- watched amphibians --> </amphibia> <reptilia> <!-- watched reptils --> </reptilia> <vertebratavarious> <!-- all other animals watched which don't fit in the above sections (by means of the observer) --> </vertebratavarious> </vertebrata>