The element puts into brackets specific information concerning the "Open Source Dive Computer" DR5 by the engineering office Heinrichs Weikamp GbR. For the sake of a Produktpalettenerweiterung inside <heinrichsweikamp> at first the dive computer model and therein the respective parameter data are given. (The models OSTC1 and Mk.2 use a binary format due to less memory. In case someone writes a converter program to produce UDDF out of the binary data, the respective dive computer model elements will be added.)
At time the following child elements are used for the user definable so-called Custom Functions. All Custom Functions either have a range including 0 – 255 (8 bit integer), or 0 – 32767 (15bit integer). Additionally, there are three elements for graphics data (depth, temperature, ppO2).
<cf0> — diving depth [cm] for beginning of dive mode
<cf1> — diving depth [cm] for ending of dive mode
<cf2> — delay [s] for end of dive mode
<cf3> — time [s] for menues and surface mode
<cf4> — hold time [s] for menue pre-stage
<cf5> — threshold [m/min] for displaying of vertical velocity
<cf6> — absolute pressure [mbar] for awakening from sleep mode
<cf7> — max. "erlaubter" Luftdruck [mbar] für Luftdruckkompensation im Schlafmodus
<cf8> — threshold [%] for displaying the gradient factor for decompression calculation
<cf9> — threshold [% O2] for displaying the actual gas in dive mode
<cf10> — delay [s] for menues in dive mode
<cf11> — factor [%] for saturation processes
<cf12> — factor [%] for desaturation processes
<cf13> — ratio [%] for no-fly-time depending on desaturation time
<cf14> — threshold [%] for optical alarm of the gradient factor
<cf15> — threshold [%] for acoustical alarm of the gradient factor
<cf16> — expected distance to deco stop [10 cm]
<cf17> — lower threshold [0.01 bar] for ppO2 warning
<cf18> — upper threshold [0.01 bar] for ppO2 warning
<cf19> — upper threshold [0.01 bar] for displaying ppO2
<cf20> — sampling rate [s] for depth storing
<cf21> — divisor for temperature storing
<cf22> — divisor for deco data storing
<cf23> — divisor for tank pressure storing
<cf24> — divisor for oxygen sensor data storing
<cf25> — divisor1 for future enhancements
<cf26> — divisor2 for future enhancements
<cf27> — threshold [%] for displaying of CNS value
<cf28> — logbook offset for displaying the real dive number
<cf29> — depth of last deco stop
<cf30> — delay [min] for end of apnea mode
<cf31> — displaying battery symbol oder voltage
<cf32> — GF low (lower gradient factor for GF extension)
<cf33> — GF high (upper gradient factor for GF extension)
<cf34> — HUD low ppO2 warning level
<cf35> — HUD high ppO2 warning level
<cf36> — HUD normal ppO2 level
<cf37> — HUD style
<cf38> — Show Seconds (displaying dive time with seconds)
<cf39> — Flip OLED (rotate display by 180°)
<cf40> — Use Big ppO2 (use big digits for sensor values)
<cf41> — Average Depth (resettable average depth)
<internalmodule> — configuration of an internal extension module
<decotype> — switches between the different deco model options:
ZH-L16OC: Bühlmann ZH-L16 for open circuit systems
ZH-L16CC: Bühlmann ZH-L16 for closed circuit systems (CCR and SCR)
ZH-L16GFOC: Bühlmann ZH-L16 for open circuit systems with GF extension (deep stops)
ZH-L16GFCC: Bühlmann ZH-L16 for closed circuit systems (CCR and SCR) with GF extension (deep stops)
<debug> — switches on and off the displaying of debug information
<drxplotdepth> — data for graphical representation of the dive profile (depth curve)
<drxplottemp> — data for graphical representation of the temperature curve
<drxplotoxy> — data for graphical representation of the ppO2 curve
<decotrainer>, <hargikas>, <tausim>, <tautabu>