Inside <light> appears information concerning an underwater light used. Several <light> elements can appear one after the other.
In case a <manufacturer>'s data are defined before in the UDDF file it is possible to set a cross-reference via <link/> to these data inside every section of a piece of equipment. Then the <manufacturer>'s data need to be given only once (globally) but can be used as often as necessary.
<equipment>, <videocamera>
<aliasname>, <link/> (for cross-referencing <manufacturer> data – if defined before), <manufacturer>, <model>, <name>, <nextservicedate>, <notes>, <purchase>, <serialnumber>, <serviceinterval>
<equipment>, <videocamera>
(see also <equipment>)
<equipment> <light id="my_uwlight"> <name>Sun Under Water</name> <manufacturer> <name>Sunlight</name> </manufacturer> <model>Bright Light</model> <serialnumber>345678</serialnumber> <purchase> <datetime>1976-04-13</datetime> <price currency="DM">100.00</price> <shop> <name>Dive Now</name> <address> <!-- address of shop --> </address> <contact> <!-- phone number, email address etc. --> </contact> <notes> <!-- additional remarks --> </notes> </shop> </purchase> <serviceinterval>365</serviceinterval> <nextservicedate> <datetime>2006-04-13</datetime> </nextservicedate> </light> </equipment>