

optional, single



Inside <hargikas> specific information concerning the conversion program "uwatec2uddf" by "Harry" Charalampos Gkikas (hargikas at gmail dot com) is put into brackets. At time the following elements are used:

  • <ambient> — Ambient temperature when this dive starts (at 1.25m) (Celsius). Note: This value is neither surface temperature nor air temperature. The measurement is done when this dive starts, therefore a stable state is not reached.

  • <tissue> has eight <groups> which are:

    • 1) kidney

    • 2) stomach, bowels, liver, central nervous system

    • 3) central nervous system, liver, stomach, bowels

    • 4) skin

    • 5) skin, muscles, heart

    • 6) muscles

    • 7) muscles, joints, bones, fat

    • 8) fat, joints, bones, rest

  • <arterialmicrobubblelevel> is the microbubble danger level in the arterial circulation (0 – 7)

  • <intrapulmonaryrightleftshunt> is Intrapulmonary right-left shunt: Micro bubbles in the venous circulation migrate to the lungs, where they are collected in the capillaries and obstruct the exchange of gas, and this effect is termed.

  • <estimatedskincoollevel> Estimated skin cool level at dive start (0 – 7)

Parent Elements


Child Elements

see description above

See Also

<decotrainer>, <heinrichsweikamp>, <tausim>, <tautabu>


    <!-- previous statements -->
        <!-- profile data  -->