Dive profiles

<uddf version="3.2.0">
    <!-- the <generator> section has to appear in every UDDF file -->
        <!-- description of the program generating the UDDF file -->
        <name>Tausim v1.0</name>
            <name>Kai Schröder</name>
        <site id="site_tausim_0.0_1030.0">
                <altitude>0.0</altitude>   <!-- sea level -->
                <density>1030.0</density>  <!-- salt water -->
        <!-- all breathing gases used -->
        <mix id="air">
        <!-- in the following one recorded dive profile is shown examplarily -->
        <repetitiongroup id="rg_tausim_060428_001">
            <dive id="dive_tausim_060428_1549">
                        <link ref="air"/>
                        <breathingconsumptionvolume>0.0002</breathingconsumptionvolume>       <!-- [m^3/s] ^= 12 litres/min -->
                    <!-- temperature is of no importance in "Tausim", but the greatest depth -->
                    <!-- reached during a (simulated) dive is written into the UDDF output   -->
                    <!-- Within this section data relevant only to the program generating -->
                    <!-- the profile - in this case "Tausim" - are given. These data can  -->
                    <!-- be ignored by other programs.                                    -->
                        <switchmix ref="air"/>
            </dive> <!-- end dive_tausim_060428_1549 -->
            <!-- here more <dive> sections can be inserted -->
        <!-- here more <repetitiongroup> sections can be inserted -->
        <!-- here follow instructions for the generation of dive tables -->