Inside <buoyancycontroldevice> information concerning a buoyancy control device (BCD) used is given. Several <buoyancycontroldevice> elements can be given one after the other. If additional equipment is to be listed, all same parts should stand directly one after the other for the sake of better human readability!
In case a <manufacturer>'s data are defined before in the UDDF file it is possible to set a cross-reference via <link/> to these data inside every section of a piece of equipment. Then the <manufacturer>'s data need to be given only once (globally) but can be used as often as necessary.
<aliasname>, <link/> (for cross-referencing <manufacturer> data – if defined before), <manufacturer>, <model>, <name>, <nextservicedate>, <notes>, <purchase>, <serialnumber>, <serviceinterval>
<equipment> <buoyancycontroldevice id="my_bcd"> <name>ABC</name> <manufacturer> <name>James Miller</name> </manufacturer> <model>Underwater Camping Team</model> <serialnumber>123456789</serialnumber> <purchase> <datetime>1960-05-31</datetime> <price currency="DM">100.00</price> <shop> <name>Dive Deep Down</name> <address> <!-- address of shop --> </address> <contact> <!-- phone number, email address etc. --> </contact> <notes> <!-- additional remarks --> </notes> </shop> </purchase> <!-- service every year --> <serviceinterval>365</serviceinterval> <nextservicedate> <datetime>2006-05-31</datetime> </nextservicedate> </buoyancycontroldevice> </equipment>