The following elements were altered in their functionality in version 3.0.0:
<abundance> — now only keywords are allowed to describe the abundance, no integer values
<alarm> — additional error message link
<audio>, <image>, <video> — new parent element <mediadata> (the previous parent element <notes> is abolished — inside <notes> from now on only cross-references via <link/> on previously in the <mediadata> section declared <audio>, <image>, and <video> elements is possible)
<datetime> (former <date>) — additional parent element <dateofflight>, <dateofrecompressiontreatment>, <rating>
<dive> — now contains only the following five child elements:
<informationafterdive> — new with version 3.0.0
<informationbeforedive> — new with version 3.0.0
This serves for a better clarity, for many new elements have been added with version 3.0.0.
<divebase> — new parent element <divesite>, old parent element <trip> removed
<diveduration> — now compulsory
<dominance> — now only keywords are allowed to describe the dominance, no character values
<examination> — new child elements <totallungcapacity>, and <vitalcapacity>
<gasdefinitions> — child element <tankdata> moved to <dive>
<generator> — new child elements <link/> (for cross-referencing a <divecomputer>), and <type>
<globallightintensity> — now only keywords are allowed to describe the lightintensity, no integer values
<greatestdepth> — now compulsory
<guide> — no child element <buddyref/> anymore; but <link/> (for cross-referencing a <buddy>, indicating he/she as guide
<lead> — additional child element <leadquantity>
<lightintensity> — now only keywords are allowed to describe the lightintensity, no integer values
<medical> — additional child elements <prescribedmedicine>
<notes> — additional parent elements <hyperbaricfacilitytreatment>, <mix>
<personal> — additional child elements <birthname>, <bloodgroup>, <membership/>, <height>, <numberofdives/>, <smoking>, <weight>
<priceperdive> — additional parent element <trip>
<rating> — new child elements <datetime> and <ratingvalue>
<relateddives> — additional parent elements <hyperbaricfacilitytreatment>
<sex> — only the keywords undetermined, female, male, and hermaphrodite are allowed to determine the sex (no abbreviations)
<site> — additional child elements <environment> and <rating> (previously child element of <sitedata>)
<sitedata> — additional child element <hyperbaricfacility>, element <rating> removed (now see <site>)
<tank> — additional child element <tankvolume>
<tankdata> — element moved from <gasdefinitions> to <dive>
<tankvolume> — additional parent element <tank>
<trip> — all child elements up to now moved to (new) <trippart> which now is the only child element (to be repeated as often as needed)
<vessel> — new child elements <address>, <contact>, <rating>
<waypoint> — additional child elements <batterychargecondition>, <decostop/>, <heading>, <remainingbottomtime>, <remainingo2time>, <tankpressure>
The following elements were renamed in version 3.0.0:
The following elements were removed in version 3.0.0:
<date> — now see <datetime>
<day> — now see <datetime>
<enddate> — now see <dateoftrip>
<hour> — now see <datetime>
<minute> — now see <datetime>
<month> — now see <datetime>
<setdcdate> — now see <setdcdatetime>
<setdctime> — now see <setdcdatetime>
<startdate> — now see <dateoftrip>
<text> — now see <para>
<time> — now see <datetime>
<year> — now see <datetime>
The following elements were introduced in version 3.0.0:
<alcoholbeforedive> (see <informationbeforedive>)
<altitudeofexposure> (see <exposuretoaltitude>)
<anysymptoms> (see <informationafterdive>)
<apparatus> (see <informationbeforedive>)
<batterychargecondition> (see <waypoint>)
<bloodgroup> (see <personal>)
<current> (see <informationafterdive>)
<dateofflight> (see <exposuretoaltitude>)
<dateoftrip> (see <trip>)
<dateofrecompressiontreatment> (see <hyperbaricfacilitytreatment>)
<datetime> — former splitted into <date> and <time>
<dcdump> (see <divecomputerdump>)
<desaturationtime> (see <informationafterdive>)
<divecomputerdump> (see <divecomputercontrol>)
<diveplan> (see <informationafterdive>)
<divetable> (see <informationafterdive>)
<drink> (see <alcoholbeforedive>)
<equipmentmalfunction> (see <informationafterdive>)
<environment> (see <site>)
<highestpo2> (see <informationafterdive>)
<hyperbaricfacility> (see <sitedata>)
<informationafterdive> (see <dive>)
<informationbeforedive> (see <dive>)
<internaldivenumber> (see <informationbeforedive>)
<leadquantity> (see <lead>)
<link/> — with UDDF version 3.0.0 this cross-referencing element replaces all specific cross-referencing elements (e.g. <audioref/> etc.)
<medicationbeforedive> (see <informationbeforedive>)
<medicine> (see <medicationbeforedive>)
<membership/> (see <personal>)
<noflighttime> (see <informationafterdive>)
<nosuit/> (see <informationbeforedive>)
<numberofdives/> (see <personal>)
<numberofrecompressiontreatments> (see <hyperbaricfacilitytreatment>)
<heinrichsweikamp> (see <applicationdata>)
<periodicallytaken> (see <drink> and <medicine>)
<prescribedmedicine> (see <medical>)
<platform> (see <informationbeforedive>)
<pressuredrop> (see <informationafterdive>)
<problems> (see <informationafterdive>)
<program> (see <informationafterdive>)
<purpose> (see <informationbeforedive>)
<ratingvalue> (see <rating>)
<remainingbottomtime> (see <waypoint>)
<remainingo2time> (see <waypoint>)
<setdcdatetime> (see <setdcdata>)
<stateofrestbeforedive> (see <informationbeforedive>)
<surfaceintervalbeforealtitudeexposure> (see <exposuretoaltitude>)
<tankpressure> (see <waypoint>)
<thermalcomfort> (see <informationafterdive>)
<timespanbeforedive> (see <drink> and <medicine>)
<title> describes a <mediadata> file (<audio>, <image>, or <video>), or a <profile>, a <bottomtimetable>, or <table> respectively, to be calculated — see also <honorific> which replaces the old <title> element)
<totallengthofexposure> (see <exposuretoaltitude>)
<totallungcapacity> (see <examination>)
<transportation> (see <exposuretoaltitude>)
<vitalcapacity> (see <examination>)
<workload> (see <informationafterdive>)