The equipment configuration used for a dive is completely specified inside <equipmentused>. Allowed are only these cross-referencing elements which parts have been listed inside the <equipment> section for the <owner>.
<bootsref/>, <buoyancycontroldeviceref/>, <cameraref/>, <compassref/>, <divecomputerref/>, <finsref/>, <glovesref/>, <kniferef/>, <leadref/>, <lightref/>, <maskref/>, <rebreatherref/>, <regulatorref/>, <scooterref/>, <suitref/>, <tankref/>, <tankdataref/>, <variouspiecesref/>, <videocameraref/>, <watchref/>
see also the child elements
<dive> <equipmentused> <!-- The cross-referencings below require their counterpart to be set in the --> <!-- <equipment> section before, where all equipment parts have ro be --> <!-- declared. As many as necessary parts can be cross-referenced, also --> <!-- multiple cross-referencings of a type of part are possible - as long --> <!-- as the ID's are unique. --> <bootsref ref="my_boots"/> <buoyancycontroldeviceref ref="my_jacket"/> <compassref ref="my_compass"/> <finsref ref="fins_lame-duck"/> <kniferef ref="knife_titan"/> <kniferef ref="knife_steel_small"/> <kniferef ref="knife_steel_big"/> <maskref ref="mask_clear_sight"/> <suitref ref="suit_semi-dry-7mm"/> <tankref ref="12l_steeltank"/> </equipmentused> <!-- here more statements --> </dive>